oceanclub aktivitäten:
2006 - 2005 - 2004 - 2003 - 2002 - 2001 - 2000 - 1999 - 1998 - 1997 - 1996 - volk 1-3


1.October 04
10 years oceanclub
maria, berlin

zur popkomm berlin
presented by flow-er
gudrun gut (dj)
chica + the folder (live)
niobe (live)
sharif + phillip (dj)
strobocop (dj)
märz (live)
thomas fehlmann (live)
modernist (live)
miss kittin (dj)
ellen allien (dj)
and we celectrate with the rerelease of
"gudrun gut: members of the ocean club" (docd, moabit15)

september 2004

"monika at pophotel"
buenos aires at niceto
"club oceano + brandon"
monika night in argentina
buenos aires at niceto
with gudrun gut (dj)
chica + the folder (live)
barbara morgenstern (live)
chica paula (dj)
and guest dj cecilia amenaba from argentina

oceanclub - 7 jahre radio eins
at kulturbrauerei with electrobeats and:
gudrun gut dj
thomas fehlmann dj
mermaid jaculin: märchen
wolfgang betke: gedichte
6 jahre maria
at maria am ostbahnhof
with gudrun gut dj
+ live: peaches, the fall, nm farner
and more!


june 2004

oceanclub @ club apollosaal
at staatsoper berlin
dabrye live
barbara morgenstern live
gudrun gut dj
thomas fehlmann dj
mermaid jaculin: märchen
wolfgang betke: gedichte
start: 22:30may 200420.may.04
monika's himmelfahrt/ascension
with about 50 simultan monika dvd parties all over- the heavenly simultan party list:
au-vienna, au-linz, aus-sydney, aus-melbourne, be-bruxelles, can-montreal, chi-beijing, chi-guangzhou, chi-shanghai, cl-santiago de chile, col-bogota, d-berlin, d-erlangen, d-hamburg, d-frankfurt/m, d-giessen, d-münchen, d-rostock, es-madrid, es-barcelona, ir-dublin, it-roma, it-verona, jp-tokyo, ml-kuala lumpur, pl-warzawa, pl-poznan, pt-porto, pt-lisbon, ru-minsk, ru-tyumen (siberia), tw-taipeh, uk-london, uk-glasgow, uk-leeds, ukr-odessa, us-boston tbc, us-chicago tbc, us-detroit, us-los angeles, us-minnesota, us-nyc brooklyn, us-orlando, us-portland, us-san francisco, yu-belgrad.
more info: here
february 2004

café moskau/wmf. berlin 
natascha bar :
monika enterprise presents: sad night!
franchised from dublab los angelos
gudrun gut - dj (monika, oceanclub)
ekkehard ehlers - dj (staubgold)
robert lippok (to rococo rot) plays komeit ! live ! (record release)
oceanclub presents: 300 jahre oceanclubradio
die 300ste sendung muß gefeiert werden!! tanzenmit den oc - djs:
thomas fehlmann (kompakt, oceanclub)
chica paula (monika, oceanclub)
daniel meteo (meteo, bus, oc)